Down the Rabbit Hole - making time

One-on-one time with your kids is important for building a strong relationship with them. It's a chance to get to know them better, talk to them about their day, and just spend some quality time together.

Here are some tips for making one-on-one time with your kids

Set aside time each week

 Even if it's just for 15 minutes, try to set aside some time each week to spend with each child individually. This could be during the week after school, on the weekend, or even in the evening before bed.

Be present

 When you're spending time with your child, make sure to be fully present. Turn off your phone, put away any distractions, and focus on your child. This will show them that you're really interested in what they have to say and that you're enjoying their company.

Do something they enjoy

 Ask your child what they would like to do during your one-on-one time. This could be anything from playing a game to going for a walk to reading a story. The important thing is that your child is enjoying themselves.


 When your child is talking, really listen to what they have to say. Don't interrupt, and don't offer advice unless they ask for it. Just let them know that you're there to listen and that you care about what they have to say.

Have fun

One-on-one time with your kids should be fun! Make sure to do activities that you both enjoy and that will help you bond.

One-on-one time with your kids is a great way to build a strong relationship with them. It's a chance to get to know them better, talk to them about their day, and just spend some quality time together. So make sure to schedule some time each week to spend with each child individually. Your kids will appreciate it, and so will you!
