What’s for Dinner?

 It can be tough to feed your kids healthy food when you work late most nights. But it's important to make sure they're getting the nutrients they need, even when you're short on time. Here are a few tips:

Plan ahead

The best way to make sure you have healthy food on hand when you get home from work is to plan ahead. On the weekends, take some time to cook up a few healthy meals and freeze them in individual portions. That way, all you have to do when you get home is defrost and heat up a meal.

Keep healthy snacks on hand

 If you don't have time to cook a full meal, keep healthy snacks on hand for your kids. Some healthy snack ideas include:

    * Fruits and vegetables

    * Yogurt

    * Hard-boiled eggs

    * Whole-wheat crackers

    * Cheese

Get your kids involved

If your kids are old enough, get them involved in meal planning and preparation. This will help them learn about healthy eating and make them more likely to eat healthy foods.

Don't be afraid to order takeout

 If you're really short on time, don't be afraid to order takeout from a healthy restaurant. There are many healthy takeout options available these days.


It's important to remember that even if you can't always make healthy meals from scratch, you can still make sure your kids are getting the nutrients they need. By following these tips, you can make sure your kids are eating healthy even when you work late most nights.
